The Monthly: South Dakota Voices for Peace OUR MISSION: SOUTH DAKOTA VOICES FOR PEACE BUILDS POWER AND ENABLES HEALING IN IMMIGRANT, REFUGEE, AND MUSLIM COMMUNITIES BY AMPLIFYING THEIR VOICES AND WORKING IN SOLIDARITY WITH ALL WHO DISMANTLE BIGOTRY AND RACISM. OUR VISION: WE IMAGINE A SOUTH DAKOTA THAT IS DIVERSE, INCLUSIVE, AND ANTI-RACIST. DONATE HERE! A month of advocacy, education, and exciting news! Supporting and advocating for the immigrant community is nothing new to us- we've been doing it since 2017- but this month was full of a lot of action! From media coverage, to advocacy and education, January really was a big month for us. Collaborating with Law Enforcement to Make a Change You may have recently seen us in the news! We are collaborating with the Minnehaha County Sheriff’s Office, the Minnehaha County State’s Attorney, and the Pennington County State’s Attorney on a $518,000 grant to combat domestic violence. Our immigrant clients are often victims of domestic violence, and usually face additional barriers in seeking help. We are grateful for this collaboration and the opportunity to help combat this issue to a greater extent by addressing language barriers and educating our clients. Click here to read some of the media coverage about this! We're fighting bigoted legislation. Our sister organization, South Dakota Voices for Justice, is up and running this legislative session. This month, we've been in Pierre and keeping our eyes on things! Be sure to follow us @sdvfjustice on social media to stay up to date and educated! NO HUMAN IS ILLEGAL!
A group of SDVFP employees and allies took to Pierre on 1/31 to listen to Governor Noem's address regarding her trip to the Southern border. We were present in media coverage, and took a stand by collaborating with state Democrats to denounce Noem's fearmongering speech. We are committed to providing accurate facts regarding immigration and the Southern border, and will not let hate and fear run our state! Follow us on social media @sdvfpeace and @sdvfjustice for educational material. Do you like the "No Human is Illegal" shirts we're wearing? Click here to pick out one of your own! All proceeds help to fund our immigration legal services. It is through your support that we are able to continue this important work. Thank you! Click here to make a donation. Comments are closed.